content marketing

Announcing Our Very Own Content Marketing Podcast!

A little news for everyone that’s been following my posts, my work and been having endless conversations with me over the years. It’s time we take our brainstorming sessions online with an content marketing podcast! For all those who have known me or have previously worked with me, know that I love a great conversation […]

Announcing Our Very Own Content Marketing Podcast! Read More »

Content Marketing Myths That Make You Sound Stupid (And Lose Customers)

I have learnt a lot on the go and the one thing I can say about content marketing, is that no one completely understands what it is all about. Most of us are just trying to keep up with the trends and trying different ways to approach the marketing tactic effectively. While some of us

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B2B Content Marketing Really Doesn’t Need To Be Boring

There is literally no way you can do without content marketing. The consumer wants to be educated before being sold to. Especially when comes to B2B! That is why B2B content marketing is a challenge for many businesses today. They don’t just struggle to put together a plan, but also streamline what works the best

B2B Content Marketing Really Doesn’t Need To Be Boring Read More »

The Startup Marketing Checklist – 8 Steps For Scaling A Business

The biggest concern for a startup is to scale and to scale fast. But with the increasing competition, dynamic market conditions and overwhelming need to balance work and family often hampers the vision of the entrepreneur in ways more than one. According to a StartupGenom survey, 74% of businesses crash and burn while scaling because

The Startup Marketing Checklist – 8 Steps For Scaling A Business Read More »

5 Ways Big Data Is Impacting Marketing Operations

The term “marketing” has significantly evolved from being restricted to just offline PR and advertising activities. It now encompasses digital initiatives such as content, SEO, social media and more. This function has become a serious contributor to an organization’s revenue in support of its annual goals. In fact, the heart of business success lies in

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