Content Marketing Myth 13

No, content marketing isn’t just for any one type of business or industry. It’s for everyone!

I’m sure if you haven’t asked this yourself, you have been asked this question at least a few times.

Is content marketing really for me?

In fact, you may have even come across blatant statements that upfront say that content marketing is not for them.

And OMG. You are so wrong.

Content marketing isn’t just for any one type of business or industry. It’s literally for everyone. It’s literally how consumers across the world, across all industries, want to be marketed to.

If you’re selling a project management software, yes, you need content marketing to explain the importance of having such a solution.

If you’re selling design services, yes, you need content marketing to explain or show why your work’s different from the rest of the designers on Fiverr.

If you’re selling soap, yes, you need content marketing to tell people about the making of the soap and why it is good for them or what problem does it solve that others don’t.

If you’re selling a mattress, yes, you need content marketing to tell people about its making and the science behind it that makes it so different.

If you haven’t got the drift already, I’m not sure who told you about content marketing that was so much more convincing than me.

Like I said before, content marketing is the only marketing left because the new-age consumer is information hungry. They want to be able to make an informed purchase and that starts with content.

So irrespective of who you are, what you do and what you’re trying to sell, content marketing is for you.

Of course, like I also said before, do it when you think you can add value to your target audience and not just add another sales pitch into the internet space.

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