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Programmatic Content Marketing Strategy: How to Use Programmatic SEO and Content Marketing Together

programmatic content marketing strategy for B2B
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Learn how to use programmatic content for B2B marketing. 

SEO is becoming increasingly complex with each passing year as the markets are getting more and more competitive. Developing and implementing an effective SEO strategy for a website with hundreds of pages isn’t a cakewalk. However, there are strategies we can use to make the process a lot simpler. This is where Programmatic SEO comes into play and is gaining popularity among companies looking to increase website traffic without losing time and effort.

Nowadays, marketers are using programmatic SEO to search keywords, understand the user intent and then create hundreds of landing pages in order to increase their site traffic organically.

While most companies have seen a rise in their organic traffic, they have been losing out on one thing that should have been their focus – driving relevant traffic that converts.

But there is a way to break out of the rut of vanity metrics regarding programmatic SEO and content. Consider using a programmatic content marketing strategy if you want your company to stand out.

New to programmatic content and SEO?

Let’s dive into the details, as this article will give you a brief about programmatic content and SEO and how you can implement it to boost organic search result rankings.

As a content creator, I’ve learned over the years that we can’t just sit back and wait for readers to find us; we need to find our audience. Be it a publisher or a brand; there’s no point in investing time and money in creating great content if we don’t spend our time and money marketing it, as every moment of exposure counts!

It’s no doubt that social media platforms are very effective at targeting users with suitable content, but promoting your content to the right audience shouldn’t end with social media. There are numerous ways for brands to find their audience. And the newest way that’s trending is programmatic content which is the answer to large-scale content challenges.

What exactly is programmatic content?

Programmatic content helps you create more targeted organic campaigns. The content produced by your brand thereby is distributed across the web based on your target audience, interests, and activity. With programmatic content, you can reach your audience wherever they are – meeting their individual needs, preferences, and guiding them through the content funnel – to conversions.

Benefits of introducing programmatic in content marketing

Content marketing continues to garner importance as numerous brands are constantly looking for ways to distinguish themselves from others while being able to connect with their core audiences.

Your content marketing strategy is successful when your audiences spend significant time with your content, producing higher conversion rates and increasing brand recognition, engagement, and sales lift.

Content marketing is delivered through careful strategies and conversational ways to increase brand awareness. On the other hand, programmatic is automated, scientific, and focused on conversion.

At a time when marketers think content marketing is their biggest priority, programmatic is a more effective means of promoting content at a rapid scale. What would happen if the art of content marketing collides with the science of programmatic technology?

So, here are three ways programmatic can help enhance the power of content marketing:

1. Discovering your audience

The most crucial challenge is finding the right audience. If you don’t have a suitable audience for your content, does it matter how good your content is?

With so many brands on the scene, consumers are not loyal to only one publication or social media platform. So, to connect with a more significant number of your core audience, you must make a diversified and flexible approach to paid distribution. To intensify your reach, you should use multiple types of channels and individual providers within each category.

Content marketing is a manual art; hence, it can be challenging for marketers to execute successful content-driven brand experiences efficiently. However, programmatic platforms can achieve these by offering a single solution to effectively target, distribute and optimize branded content to the right audience across all the crucial social media channels.

2. Aiming for engagement

Content marketing is about building and nurturing a real relationship with the customer that goes beyond the click. And to achieve this, the brands must recognize what kind of content appeals to their audience.

To understand what resonates with your audiences, you must have a detailed analysis of page-level consumer engagement, which shows how the audience relates and engages with the content you’re putting out. You should be able to track the best metrics for what you’re trying to achieve and optimize your campaign based on the results.

Programmatic platforms provide page-level analytics that is highly valuable to marketers as they determine which content connects best with their consumers.

3. Optimizing for success

There’s no doubt that digital marketing and advertising enable easy testing and optimization for every piece of content created. However, multiple headlines and thumbnail images must be verified to decide the winning combinations and where to invest.

Programmatic technology uses AI and machine learning to acquire information from campaign data and constantly updates the algorithms. These real-time analytics can help marketers adjust their campaign structure to eliminate less successful channels and focus on the best-performing ones for optimal ROI.

Merging the power of content marketing with the power of programmatic SEO is a potent formula that’ll do wonders for marketers.

Why is the status quo of programmatic SEO and content not working?

While combining the two has numerous benefits, brand marketers are still struggling to get their traffic to convert. Let’s dive into the details and look into why’s.

1. Not knowing your target audience

Identifying your target audience is the primary and most crucial step toward success for any brand or business, and it’s the foundation for every effective marketing campaign.

Knowing your audience doesn’t necessarily refer only to understanding the requirements of your audience, but it also refers to what they want to learn and how they like to engage. This is especially important when competing with other online businesses, where everyone tries to ensure that their content is top-notch and relevant for their target audience.

Understanding your target audience is focal to all your marketing efforts and should sit at the center of your programmatic content marketing campaign.

On the other hand, if you don’t know your target audience, you can’t understand or envision their experience. Improving your products and services without audience perspectives is next to impossible, as you have no idea how your customers feel about your services.

So, make your audience the star of your content experience, which shows understanding and empathy and will be much more likely to resonate with them.

2. Not having a clear goal

A vital aspect of a successful content marketing strategy is establishing smart goals that demonstrate your actions generate great results.

But most brands jump into the rat race without specific goals and do it because their competitor is doing it or wants to increase their organic traffic.

However, it’s always in your best interest if you have specific content goals that form your strategy, as, after all, content strategy is the foundation upon which everything is built.

Every content marketer should work towards developing an awareness of their brand, driving traffic to their site, and creating customized content for a specific target audience. Setting content goals begins with creating a customer persona, developing a keyword list based on their search terms, understanding the content they want, and providing content that appeals to your readers.

3. Not knowing what to focus on

Most brands believe content marketing implies publishing content for every possible keyword, but it’s merely a myth. Let’s say you’re a candidate sourcing platform. Would it make sense to focus on driving traffic for the term “employee engagement?”

Spoiler alert – it doesn’t because they are vastly different concepts! It proves counterproductive for your marketing team and your audience because they wouldn’t get what they are searching for.

The most viable solution is to conduct a “content gap analysis” between your brand and your competitors. This way, you gain clarity on the keywords your competitors have invested in. Plus, you can gain tons of keyword ideas for your niche and focus your efforts on creating content your audience actually wants to read.

We at Contensify do book reviews only based on content marketing. We focus on our core offer rather than writing content on random topics solely to increase website traffic. Remember – just because you can do anything doesn’t mean you should do everything.

4. Not knowing what to measure

Content is measured by the quality and effect it has on a particular target audience, and tracking your content marketing performance is critical. Content marketing can be better tracked and boosted if you have a clear goal and effective KPIs.

Without content measurement, you can’t know if your content is serving your business goals, and when you don’t know if your content is working or not, you’re simply wasting time and money.

You need to use the right content marketing metrics to help you create a content strategy. A robust content strategy empowers your business to get a realistic view of the content marketing efforts.

However, many brands and businesses don’t know which metrics to look into, and as a result, they end up doing it as a one-time exercise and lose resources rather than gain from it.

5. Not structuring the content right

Structuring your content can make user experiences better for audiences overall and reduces duplication of effort when processing new and existing content. If your content is structured well, it can help you do much more with less time, money, and investment.

From an SEO perspective, it helps search engines understand what your content is about, amplifying the probability of it being seen by the relevant users and increasing the chances of ranking higher in search results.

Most brands just focus on content production and publication, but they overlook optimizing the structure of that content, which can help users and machines understand it better.

Not knowing where your content should fit in the overall content hierarchy will end up overshadowing their main pages, like the website service pages, losing out on users and Google rankings.

Wrapping Up

You can’t sit back and wait for audiences to show up on your feed if you wish to compete in today’s super competitive online world. You can neither rely on your social media platforms if you want a particular video or post to go viral.

When you have an excellent piece of content, it doesn’t make any sense if you don’t spend your money to get that content into circulation. Publishers and brands must use their resources to market their most valued content, and programmatic is definitely emerging as a very effective tool.

Programmatic content marketing provides various options for an effective and efficient way to distribute great content. However, programmatic should not just be a game of using technology to write more; in fact, it should be focused on keeping the core logic of content marketing intact.

If you want to get started with programmatic content marketing, feel free to reach out to me on LinkedIn.


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