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Announcing Our Very Own Content Marketing Podcast!

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A little news for everyone that’s been following my posts, my work and been having endless conversations with me over the years. It’s time we take our brainstorming sessions online with an content marketing podcast!

For all those who have known me or have previously worked with me, know that I love a great conversation or a simple brainstorming session. Having worked with startups all this while, it is just something that I truly enjoy and think is pretty valuable. You get to learn so much from those who are either working in similar roles as yours and those who are probably hustling in complementing ones. Taking those conversations a step forward, I am actually starting a little podcast on content marketing.

And no, it is not going to be the usual set of questions around what content marketing is, what are the best industry tips and blah. It is actually going to be real experiences from marketers who are just like us – and some who definitely have a lot to teach us as well.

It’s going to be a conversation where we actually deep dive into content or if you prefer, inbound marketing, share first hand struggles and how we overcame them to drive the desired results, and at the same time, what we learnt in the process. Simply put, an inbound marketing podcast that is going to give you plenty actionables to try for months to come!

While I am definitely getting in touch with everyone that I am personally or professionally connected with, for the podcast, I’d love to hear your experiences too. If you too have something really valuable to share about inbound marketing and how you have leveraged the tactic to drive growth for your product, I want to talk to you too.

All you need to do, is drop me an email if interested and we’ll take it from there. ๐Ÿ™‚


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